Categories: Swift Programming

Using UI Swipe and Pinch Gesture Recognizer with Swift

Hello everyone!
Today I’m going to show a simple way to use Swipe and Pinch gesture with Swift.

I have added the following images to my Assets folder on which I want to apply the Swipe and Pinch gesture.

Create a project and add a UIImageView to the controller.

From your Object Library drag and drop two UISwipeGestureRecognizer and set one swipe to Left and the other to Right.

Also add a UIPinchGestureRecognizer.

Create an action for UISwipeGestureRecognizer and connect both objects to the same action and in your controller.


//Array of image names
let images = ["pic7.png","pic9.png","pic15.png"]
var imageIndex = 0;
let maxIndex = 2;

and another for UIPinchGestureRecognizer.


Make UIImageView‘s reference outlet in the controller’s class.


In action of UISwipe


let leftSwipe = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("swipeImages:"));
let rightSwipe = UISwipeGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: Selector("swipeImages:"));

leftSwipe.direction = .Left;
rightSwipe.direction = .Right;
if(sender.direction == .Left)
if(imageIndex > maxIndex)
imageIndex = 0;

if(sender.direction == .Right)

if(imageIndex < 0) { imageIndex = maxIndex; } } //Displaying Frames in UIImageView 
imageFrame.image = UIImage (named:images[imageIndex])

and in action of UIPinch

let lastScaleFactor:CGFloat = 1; let factor:CGFloat = sender.scale; if(factor > 1){
imageFrame.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale((lastScaleFactor + (factor - 1)), lastScaleFactor + (factor - 1));

else {
imageFrame.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(lastScaleFactor * factor, lastScaleFactor * factor);


Connect UIImageView reference to UISwipe and UIPinch GestureRecognizer.

and Make sure that User Interaction is Enabled.

Finally run your app, you should be getting something like this.

Source on Github
So long. 🙂

Aaqib Hussain

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