
Unit Testing in Android for DummiesUnit Testing in Android for Dummies

Unit Testing in Android for Dummies

What is Unit Testing? In its simplest term, unit testing is testing a small piece of code. A unit test…

4 years ago
Factory Design PatternFactory Design Pattern

Factory Design Pattern

In this article, you will learn about a type of Creational Design Pattern which is the Factory Pattern. You’ll also…

5 years ago
Facade Design PatternFacade Design Pattern

Facade Design Pattern

In this article, you will learn about a type of Structural Design Pattern which is the Facade Pattern. You’ll get…

5 years ago
Singleton Design PatternSingleton Design Pattern

Singleton Design Pattern

In this article you will learn about a type of Creational Design Pattern which is Singleton Pattern. You'll get familiarized…

6 years ago
Android Security Essentials II: Logs, System Screenshots and Backup TheftAndroid Security Essentials II: Logs, System Screenshots and Backup Theft

Android Security Essentials II: Logs, System Screenshots and Backup Theft

This series is more focused on the approaches a developer should adapt  regarding android security and less on their technicalities.…

6 years ago
Charming the VIPERCharming the VIPER

Charming the VIPER

While writing an application from scratch coming up with the right architecture for it holds great value. It usually depends…

6 years ago
Securing your Mobile Apps through SSL PinningSecuring your Mobile Apps through SSL Pinning

Securing your Mobile Apps through SSL Pinning

The rise of enterprise mobility in the past decade has brought comfort and easiness to people's lives but along with…

7 years ago
Sending Network Request using KotlinSending Network Request using Kotlin

Sending Network Request using Kotlin

Networking has always been necessary in any app. So I decided to write about doing network calls using Kotlin. So let's start…

7 years ago
Kickstarting with KotlinKickstarting with Kotlin

Kickstarting with Kotlin

I am excited for Kotlin, want to know why? because it resembles Swift a lot. So it's quite fun learning…

8 years ago
Using Back4App with AndroidUsing Back4App with Android

Using Back4App with Android

You must have seen sponsored ad of Back4App on facebook (that's how I get to know about it) quite a number of…

8 years ago